Tuesday, February 17, 2009

What Would You Do?

This evening I watched a program titled "What Would You Do?" on ABC. It's an interesting concept where they hire actors and put them in precarious situations to see what the general public will do.

One of the situations involved a racist white female real estate agent (who I remind you was an actor) who was showing a 1.4 million dollar house to a black couple and then to a Muslim Egyptian couple. The things she said to them were so appalling that is was very difficult for me to watch, even knowing that the situation was a 'set-up.' It floored me for so many reasons. One that not EVERYONE jumped in when she spouted the first racist slur, two that this happens all the time.

Although this particular situation was a set up, the situation isn't that unusual. And I have seen it and experienced it first hand. I am still really bothered by what I saw. BUT the good thing is there were a few people who got involved and really gave the woman a verbal lashing. I don't know if I am extra sensitive about this kind of situation because I am an Egyptian Canadian woman, or if it is because issues of human right and equality are something I have been passionate about for all of my adult and teen years.

It's two hours after I saw the show and I am still thinking about it, which I guess is what they are trying to do, cause a discussion. I mean don't get me wrong, the sensationalism of the show is not hard to find, but that particular subject matter of racism is something I get very emotional about.

I have spent more time than I care to talking in circles to people who don't seem to understand not all Muslims are terrorists, not all African Canadian/Americans are thugs, not all Koreans own variety store etc. These stereotypes and generalizations make me angrier than anything I can think of, because they are the most ignorant and close minded preconceptions AND are actually damaging to the world we live and the world we are trying to create. Which is why I feel like I need to vent my feelings here.

There are so many excuses people give for throwing racist, sexist or homophobic slurs around, and I can tell you now, they are all complete and utter bullshit. I know tons of white people who grew up in small town Ontario who are some of the most amazing and well rounded people I know and the issue of tolerance would just be offensive to them, as it is not something to even think about, you just treat everyone as they deserve to be treated.

It's a lie to say we don't see race. Of course we see it, but it is not something that is taboo, different races, ethnicities, religions, creeds, sexuality, you name it, it should all be celebrated. Because let me tell you, without variety in our world, this would be a pretty dull place.

It's a sad fact that we need show's like ABC's "What Would You Do?" to show us what appropriate behaviour is. It's time to angry and show others that racism in this day and age is absolutely not to be tolerated in any form. I am hoping that Barak Obama's presidency will help change things. It won't happen in a day, but I hope the change the US population voted for happens sooner rather than later.

This show also addressed other precarious situations, such as suspicious predators in the park approaching young children and how nearby adults reacted.