Tuesday, January 20, 2009

After Eight Years of Wrong, Today Something is Right

Today newly sworn in President Barack Obama delievered a speech that was passionate, moving and incredibly well spoken. He has a voice that touches people and speaks with great resolve and confidence, it's hard not to get the chills when he addresses the people.

Luckily for me my good friend Henri, is great tech head and always on top of things. He quickly updated his own blog, The Newest Era, with a link so everyone can download President Obama's Inauguration Speech. I grabbed the link for you too (and also downloaded the speech) so thank you My Man Henri!

President Obama is quite humble and noted that today was not about him, but about the American people. But what he didn't address, which of course he couldn't, is that today is not just about him and the American people, his presidency will have an affect on the entire world, and in a positive way. I can honestly say, while it would have been great to see a woman as president, I would not have such strong emotions if Hilary Clinton was elected.

Because it is not just that Barack Obama is African American that this was a great day in history, it is that he is a man who wants to make a difference and shows his passion in his humility. He has that Je ne sais quoi and charisma of a leader that makes you believe good things are to come.

Watching President Obama give this speech was yet again another emotional moment. I feel strong sense of hope that things will change, I know I sound just like his campaign, using the words "Hope" and "Change" but that's what he evokes. I think Barack Obama is the first politician in my lifetime that I actually want to meet and know.

I have no doubt this man will live up to the hype. He is straightforward and can speak without being fed lines. He is quick to answer questions intelligently. This man is what a leader and president should be. He has a tough road ahead of him, with a GIANT mess left to him and the USA by his moronic predecessor, but I think if anyone can do it, Barack Obama can. He has left his nation and those of us who are not American, fully charged. I have hope that foreign relations and this time of war will be rectified, maybe not immediately, but in good time.

It's time for a change people, and Obama is here to give it to us. Now if only we can get a man or woman like that to lead Canada!

Ok can can we please note how AMAZING Michelle Obama looked! Look out ladies Michelle O. is in the House!

Actually his whole family is pretty damn good looking!

**All images are from the New York Times

An New Era in Time...

Today marks a huge moment in history, and that moment at least deserves a bit of my time to update this blog that I have ignored for much too long.

Barack Obama is now, as of 10 minutes ago the official PRESIDENT of the United States of America. I might be Canadian, but I can't help smiling from ear to ear, my heart is swelling and I feel strangely emotional, almost to the point of tears.

It is not the first time, I cried the day after he was elected while looking through a photo gallery of people's emotions from around the world. He is speaking now so I will pay attention to his words and then continue this post....