Sunday, April 29, 2007

Egyptian in Egypt...

Well I am here now (yay!). Nothing too much to report about the flight, except that Miss Lily Pritchard was right; I did pack too much stuff and had to pay $70 for my 'over weight luggage.' I will listen to your words of wisdom next time Lily. Oh and a woman on the plane thought I was 19-20 and asked how my parents felt about me flying such a long way by myself, I thought that was kind of funny. So I think after four nights of random sleep, I might be finally over my jet lag. But In that non-sleep period I did read a book in one night, unfortunately it was by no means a good book. Anyhow, my first real day I was taken to a house in paradise, we sat outside in a beautiful garden, ate, drank it was a pretty good first day.

Last night we (aunt, cousin, and I) went out to eat at a restaurant on a boat that sits perched at the bay of the Nile; it was delicious and surreal all at once.

The sun is bright and hot everyday, which is amazing, but apparently I am in for it in June and July... so it goes. The traffic is exactly as I remember, and every time I cross the street I feel like I am in a real life game of Frogger, it's a little crazy, but actually kind of fun.

The architecture amazes me daily. It’s amazing to see such beautiful old buildings juxtaposed with newer haphazard apartment buildings. I am constantly snapping pictures out the window of the car…

P.S This is the above mentioned garden...B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L!!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Country of sand, here I come

So, today is the day I am off to Egypt for just over three months. This is the first time I have ever done something like this, so it should quite the experience. I think I already have a job working at an English language newspaper, so that is pretty cool. I am not quite sure if it has hit me just yet, but I think it will happen when I jump in the cab to go to the airport. I know I will miss all the friends in Toronto, and summer coffee walks through the park, but I think this might just be worth it:) So the packing is done, the pre-trip shopping is done, the nights of having send-off drinks are done [thank you Beaconsfield crew, and the rhino], not much left to do except actually leave. So that's that. This is the first and probably most boring post of my big adventure....Stay tuned for the more interesting stuff!!

I love you guys:)

Oh and PS the above picture was taken by none other than this lovely lady: