Sunday, April 29, 2007

Egyptian in Egypt...

Well I am here now (yay!). Nothing too much to report about the flight, except that Miss Lily Pritchard was right; I did pack too much stuff and had to pay $70 for my 'over weight luggage.' I will listen to your words of wisdom next time Lily. Oh and a woman on the plane thought I was 19-20 and asked how my parents felt about me flying such a long way by myself, I thought that was kind of funny. So I think after four nights of random sleep, I might be finally over my jet lag. But In that non-sleep period I did read a book in one night, unfortunately it was by no means a good book. Anyhow, my first real day I was taken to a house in paradise, we sat outside in a beautiful garden, ate, drank it was a pretty good first day.

Last night we (aunt, cousin, and I) went out to eat at a restaurant on a boat that sits perched at the bay of the Nile; it was delicious and surreal all at once.

The sun is bright and hot everyday, which is amazing, but apparently I am in for it in June and July... so it goes. The traffic is exactly as I remember, and every time I cross the street I feel like I am in a real life game of Frogger, it's a little crazy, but actually kind of fun.

The architecture amazes me daily. It’s amazing to see such beautiful old buildings juxtaposed with newer haphazard apartment buildings. I am constantly snapping pictures out the window of the car…

P.S This is the above mentioned garden...B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L!!


Lily said...

Sounds amazing and you've taken some beautiful photos to boot.
I'm glad you're having a good time getting settled and congrats on the job progress. Keep me posted.
Mwah, Lily.

Sara said...

Oh, Caroline, you've totally got my feet itching to go somewhere far, far away. I would settle for Rome - really, I would. How goes the job?